Marketing i's [マーケティングアイズ]




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CRM 引越会社のニュースレターこのニュースレターは、引越会社が顧客に送付している。*ホームページはこちら⇒ 株式会社 引越一番

CRM=Customer Relationship Managementは、顧客関係性をマネジメントしていくこと。

マーケティング コンサルタント
理央 周

マーケティング アイズ ホームページ

To aim and revenue stable sales, repeat purchases from customers is required.
The name of the company, features, etc. customer value, customer acquisition of new, I must get to understand and convey from one all.

Customers that may on the other hand, even once told me to buy (= products, goods and services) the product of our own is to understand the goodness of their own already. Therefore, it ask them to repeat the purchase to existing customers is important.

Nevertheless, there is also the industry that do not immediately repeat what I bought once.
For example, "even next week because I built today" and repeat it is not in terms of the construction of private houses,
It does not mean repeat emphasis, all unconditionally.

"Even tomorrow because I moved today" and that it is not most moving companies still be the same,
Customers who are the "good move", the possibility of us to introduce our customers to a "good move" still high.

"We're going to Hikkoso now, but I'm moved this before you."
When it was heard from a friend, and customers,
"Yeah, of which we asked the most moving but it was good"
Is the get to say, it is to introduce is a repeat indirect.

Although I will be to get sure that you recognize the customers who provide the service once,
There are two types of this "cognitive".
Recall that to get out and I think it Recognition that know,
It means that recall and recognition,
Recognition corresponds to this "Do you know me Rio's?" It is "you know yes".
"Marketing consultant of the most Nagoya?" Becomes "I'm Rio's" Recalling.
I want to be recalled in this way of course, but it would then get to the first recognition for that.
Then, by taking the repeated communication, it's lead to recall.

The one tool, it is possible to encourage recall by sending a newsletter mailing lists.
This newsletter, moving companies have been sent to the customer.
"When important someday" I felt that if customers remember So I say by this is reach.

CRM = Customer Relationship Management is, that you go to management and customer relationship.
It is what you want to be unforgettable forever to key customers.







友人が送ってくれた水茄子は「南宗味噌株式会社」さんのもの。なんと創業は慶応三年とのことだった。うちで茄子を食べるのは実はボクだけで、「そうか5つもあるのか.どうしようかな」と思っていたらこのような水なすの食べ方のマニュアルが同封されていた。*WEBサイトは⇒ こちら

水なす漬け 泉州これによると、美味しい食べ方はまずへたを切り落としてから「手でさく」のがいいとのこと。実は知らなかったのでこれがなければ「包丁で切って皿に盛って出していた」と思う。









では、この素晴らしい事例を自社のプロダクトで展開するにはどうすればいいのか?まずは顧客が感じる価値を洗い出してみることから始める。次に外部スタッフや協力会社に依頼し客観的に価値を見つめ直し「顧客が今は知らないが教えたら喜ぶこと」をあげる。そしてそれを各種ツールで表現する といういたってシンプルなプロセスですすめればよい。

あともしアドバイスさせていただくとしたら「水茄子を食べている様子」があればさらにいい。顧客は水茄子や漬け物を物理的には買うのだが本当に欲 しいのは「おいしい料理」や「楽しい食事」。インターネットでの販売で一見さんに買ってもらうには「使用している状況」が想像できるようにしておくと反応 率が大きく上がる。


マーケティング コンサルタント
理央 周

マーケティング アイズ

「売れる仕組み研究所 電子版~ 中小企業のためのCRM 顧客関係性マネジメント

電子マガジン 電子書籍表紙

I  got the eggplant of Quanzhou to friends, and tried to eat immediately thrilled by sending me and I say "eggplant that I received when I went to Sakai earlier I love," he said.

Gray entered a slightly larger plastic bag than fist wrapped (mail order is happiest this moment) in a plastic bag very happy, and I opened the box that was sent us by mail so this upcoming season, "something mono wrapped in "is on five.

ThatLookLikeThis First of all, when I opened, the water forms of Quanzhou delicious-looking wrapped in rice bran. Take this rice bran, can be eaten as it is almost to wash lightly.

Water eggplant a friend sent me stuff "MinamiTakashi miso Inc." Mr.. Founded was that of a whopping 1867. Eat eggplant at home is actually just me, manual of how to eat eggplant like this has been enclosed and I thought "or 5 Tsumoaru's or so. How can I should," he said.

According to this, delicious way to eat that the "fence by hand" is a good to cut off from the poor first. You think "were going to have to dish it off with a knife" Without this fact, because I did not know.

Nice more "measure of the degree of pickles soak" it is written at the bottom of the right.
It is and enjoy, sesame, ginger soy sauce and squeeze with water minced 5 days after the first day with salad feeling, day 4, and a little deeper though soaking in shallow couple of day .

I thought, "Hmm .. this looks, It's convenient," said it was possible to put on the table with confidence how to enjoy a different one every day in the people, and Na could do this.

Learning is often very in this manual.
First of all, "you have to teach the customer firmly the way to eat eggplant water" point.
I-too-common business owners, but "customers do not know" things's a majority even if we know our own.

Speaking in the case of water eggplant, Osaka people do not know how to eat people nationwide Toka Nagoya as I also knew around Quanzhou. So, the customer's is "hmmm" and I'll tell "taste comes firmly salad sensation, the fourth day is the first day" and the like "I'm delicious When Chigiru by hand" in this way.

Also, "You can be reused as bran floor from adding salt or unexpected surplus" It's great on it and place shall be deemed to be replaced at the bottom. You are enjoying it with a mioga and cucumber also out immediately.

Become a feeling that "going to buy next" instructions caring such in only with. It lies in the fact that it is possible to bring the customer "so they do not need compete on price" to step into the ring this value is the only with that important. In the sense that no other, This is what is of a mindset innovation respectable manner. Measure of the degree it is written soak this also in the WEB site, but also to assist in the acquisition of new customers.

And even better if there is a "how you are eating eggplant water" After that it be allowed to Atomoshi advice. Customer's buy physically pickled eggplant and water but want really "fun food" and "good food". Reaction rate increases greatly and should be able to imagine a "situation that you are using" to get to the first-time customer bought in Internet sales.

Water eggplant miso MinamiTakashi delicious anyway. To become a necessary condition is a minimum requirement that customers willing to repeat delicious. This leaflet has been a great tool to boost the goodness of the product further.

収益を好転させるCRM 顧客関係性マネジメント:中小企業のためのビッグデータ分析




その意味でも、既存顧客、また見込み顧客との関係性をマネジメントすることは重要なのだ。今ちまたではやっているビッグデータ分析も、顧客行動を統計的な数値として観察した上でアプローチを決めていくが、広い意味で顧客関係性のマネジメント=CRM ということになる。




マーケティング コンサルタント
理央 周

マーケティング アイズ

「売れる仕組み研究所 電子版~ 収益を好転させる顧客関係性マネジメント

The person who has been activated lecturer of management course, you do not take advantage of "Customer data" feel to be a majority.
Many of the people in the management who are gonna to learn now marketing in particular, I want to win customers "new".

New customers' s such a very important, but you get an introduction to the customers or ask them to continue buy a service to their customers, which can be bought even once their products until this is important.

"From the beginning the value of the company" and must be taught if you want to sell their products to new customers. That point, if you want to encourage the re-purchase to customers who bought once, he need such as sales promotion and advertising, marketing efforts basis is less than the new acquisition.

To management relationships with potential clients' s also important in that sense, also existing customers,. Big data analysis you're doing well, we decided to approach it after having observed as numerical values ​​are statistically customer behavior is now the streets, but it comes to management = CRM customer relationships in a broad sense.

Featured e-magazine E-pleased of this issue, large companies rich some management resources could do better, such as developing statistical approach "How small and medium-sized companies either use the customer relationship management" and big data analysis, proprietary system the thing is, small and medium-sized companies may be carried on a budget the same thing. I have summarized the know-how.

Things have flooded the market, but these days the economy pick up, the person to whom of what sell than sell or how is more important than ever.

CRM It's a concept of essential management In order to do so.

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