
- キーパーソンとは誰か?その定義
- キーパーソンをビジネスに活用するには何をどうすべきか
- ヒットに結びつけるには:キーパーソンとのコ・クリエーション
- 理論と課題
慶應義塾大学大学院の准教授である山本 晶先生が書かれている。アカデミックなアプローチを基本とした理論に基づいた、考え方とフレークワークが多く説明されていることもあり、個人の成功体験とはまた違う、という意味で説得力のある内容だった。
しかし、このような不確定要素=リスク があるのは当たり前で、
- 自社のビジネスを好転させるために「キーパーソン」になるのは誰か、
- クチコミを増殖させるために自社が現在やっていること・将来すべきことはなにか

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理央 周
→マーケティング アイズ
I've read the key-person marketing.
I some "Why, is there influence discussions of that person," said the subtitle.
This book is consists of the following.
- Who are the key people? Its definition
- What what to do to make the business a key person
- The link to hit: the co-creation of a key person
- Theory and Challenges
Sometimes Akira Yamamoto, teacher, associate professor of Keio University is written,
Based on the theory that it is the basic approach academic
Sometimes flakes work and ideas have been described many,
It was content compelling in the sense that, also different from the successful experience of the individual.
For example, beginning in the very definition one reviews, etc. to effect measure quantitatively the information force when the key person or description of the relationship, Reviews and the key person to disseminate information,
Because it is written in practical at the same time an easy-to-understand,
It is on what you inspire that "Let's actually doing."
Therefore, it is but there is also the point I was most sympathy,
The reason that does not work is definitely first, it is intended to occur by force a review,
"Review is a miracle born complex factors are intertwined"
I think the point that is taken is called is a great straight.
First of all, review is not intended to be controlled, or even those external factors,
And large matter involving uncertainty, for example, took place around the many celebrations such as accidental,
Also intertwined, and how conflicts do come out at that timing, it is because it is unknown at the planning stage.
However, there is uncertainty = risk such it is natural,
People scholars believe you can do organized universally to how the situation chaotic unstable.
So, although it can not control how much,
And if you know the facts that are written in this book,
"Probability of Okoseru a good review up to much" is the.
So, this book approaches the academic is often used,
Do you should Atehamere in their work how business person?
The not talking limited to this, but it should be first is "be read in with the purpose." For example,
- Become a "key person" in order to turn around their business, who do you think,
- It should be-that their future is currently doing in order to grow the review something
It is a condition such as.
That way, even puzzled terms and concepts scholarly somewhat came out.
There is no possibility that the remainder may become not know or has stopped at that portion, it would skip.
In addition, there is no reason to be said that how much business book, it is written, can be applied to my business 100%.
Therefore, if Susumere reading purpose even in the clear as described above,
"You can use this part, but here is all right and you can skip"
Efficiency goes up to be able to advance in reading and so on.
To believe blindly academic approach is not a good idea,
Than approach a success by the success philosophical theory of the individual, the minute filter of many predecessors is applied,
Reproducibility and universality is high.
In addition, it appears that practicality is high even thought insight from my case that is written in this book.
It is a book recommended in that sense.